twigScience Demo
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Grade K Module 1

My Big Nature Adventure

Curriculum framework:
Plants and Animal Needs

Students will learn:
Different plants and animals live in different places.


Module Overview

In this module, students travel the world looking at different environments, including deserts, grasslands, cities, and even their very own schoolyard. They observe some of the plants and animals that live in these places, and discover that each environment provides living things with what they need to survive.


Through hands-on exploration, videos, books and experiments, students also learn that all living things share the same basic needs—whether you’re a plant, a human, or a dung beetle!

Video: My Big Nature Adventure Module Introduction Trailer

Teacher Instructional Material

Ensuring teachers have the tools at hand to make sure every student can experience the wonders of science in the classroom.

  • Teacher Editions lesson guides that are accessible, comprehensive, and versatile.

  • Professional Learning background and subject knowledge guides that unpack science content into quick and easy sections of information for teachers.

  • Assessment Overview that provides flexible informal, diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments to monitor student growth and progress.


Overview and teacher lesson guide

Background and subject knowledge

Assessment Overview

Digital resources for students and classroom

Help students explore the world

Students will look at different environments, including deserts, grasslands, and cities. They will meet some fascinating animals, and discover what they need to survive.

Video: Our Scientist Song

Digital interactives

Observational, curriculum and contextual video content

Video: Damselfly

Video: Chipmunk and Owl

Video: Dung Beetle

Video: Sharing Water

Video: How Do Plants Survive?

Video: Resurrection Plant

Printed and digital resources for students

Student Twig Book
Students can communicate what they have learnt within their Twig Book

Levelled Readers

Readers that help support literacy skills through STEM learning

Additional modules available for this grade


Marble Run Engineer
Curriculum framework: Pushes and Pulls

Students will learn: What happens when we push, pull, and drop objects? How can we change their direction and speed?


Be Prepared

Curriculum framework: Weather Patterns

Students will learn: How do we observe weather and collect data to describe weather patterns over time?


I Can

Curriculum framework: Animals and Plants Can Change Their Environment

Students will learn: How can I protect the environment from changes that harm it?


(c) Twig Education 2018

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